Monika Toth
My way

My way
My way
Pittura ad olio dipinta con le dita - olio su tela tirata e dipinta con le dita senza utilizzare il pennello.
Oil finger paintings - oil on strechted canvas painted with fingertips without using a paintbrush
My name is Monik Toth. I'm a finger painting artist. Since 2015 I have been painting oil paintings with this special technique. Following my inner guidance, I Iearned to paint in self-taught ways. Using the technique of finger painting was also instinctive. While I paint I do not use a brush. I apply the oil colours with my fingertips directly on the canvas. I do not decide in advance what and how I want to paint. I let myself to be driven by my inner inspiration and let the painting comes to life with my assistance. The energy of the work is preserved in the paintings and continues to live in the colours and the forms. Through the paintings this energy fills up its environment with positive feelings, gives peace and calmness and cures the soul. Colours are speaking. They are talking to the soul.