Paola Flores Timoteo
The wound

La ferita
The wound
Il lavoro si riferisce all'amore e al dolore, è legato alla ferita del Cristo crocifisso ma anche al dolore umano. In qualche modo l'essere umano finisce per toccare la ferita di Cristo, sia per la curiosità, l'incredulità, o per una necessità interiore che lo fa volere immergersi in esso. Nel mezzo di tutto è il fiore di giglio che allude alla purezza dell'intenzione e dell'amore materno. Il fiore del giglio rappresenta la figura della Vergine Maria che accompagna e fa parte della scena del dolore del Figlio e oltre alla connessione dell'Est con l'umanità.Il testo inferiore ABBA OJCZE significa padre in entrambi i casi. Il primo è in aramaico e il secondo è in polacco. La parola ABBA è usata per riferirsi a un Dio stretto, che ha un rapporto filiale con l'umanità. La realizzazione del quadro nasce in un contesto personale e intimo che è inconsapevolmente legato a Cristo come persona piena di dolore. Infine, il testo Abba Ojcze si riferisce ad uno dei luoghi che ho visitato e dove sono gli inizi del dipinto, la Polonia.
The work refers to love and pain, is related to the wound of the crucified Christ but also to human pain. Somehow the human being ends up touching the wound of Christ, either out of curiosity, unbelief or an inner need that makes him want to immerse himself in it. In the middle of everything is the lily flower that alludes to purity of intention and maternal love. The lily flower represents the figure of the Virgin Mary who accompanies and is part of the scene of pain of the Son, and in addition to the connection of East with humanity. The lower text ABBA OJCZE means Father in both cases. The first is in Aramaic and the second is in Polish. The word ABBA is used to refer to a close God, who has a filial relationship with humanity. The realization of the picture is born in a personal and intimate context that is unconsciously linked to Christ as a person full of pain. Finally, text Abba Ojcze relates to one of the places I visited and where the beginnings of the painting, Poland.
My name is Paola Flores, I'm 28 years old and I'm from Peru. I graduated from the School of Fine Arts in my country. I also studied a short career in digital design. I admire the great masters of classical painting. I have had the opportunity to participate in some group exhibitions inside and outside my country. Painting is for me a way of self-knowledge and expression. However I paint because I like to do it and it is what makes me happy. Throughout my years at the School of Fine Arts I learned to appreciate and experiment with the various forms of artistic expression, this taught me not to pigeonhole and to have a broader view of art. In my paintings, I like to use few elements, I think sometimes less is more, and what is important for me is what they communicate and the relationship they have with each other, I find it difficult to put a title or name because I feel box The tools I finally combine when I work the paint are the spatula and the brush. The spatula gives me agility and speed, while the brush, patience and detail. At the moment I dedicate a great part of my time to the painting and to the teaching, I teach to the little ones the process of the drawing and the painting. I think art can be a very useful tool for their lives.