Marta Mànduca
Stratification of archetypes

Stratificazione di archetipi
Stratification of archetypes
L'opera raffigura un artista che, con l'aiuto di un'aquila, in cui si identifica, discende nell'abisso dell'inconscio alla ricerca di antiche memorie stratificate nel corso di diverse generazioni, al fine di conoscerle, studiarle, elaborarne i contenuti e riportarle in vita in forme artistiche accessibili.
The painting represents an artist who, with the help of an eagle, in which he identifies himself, descends into the abyss of the unconscious in search of ancient stratified memories over several generations, in order to know them, study them, elaborate their contents and bring them back to life in accessible artistic forms.
Self-taught artist, she has always painted by pursuing an inner model of things. Her artistic career is dotted with many exhibitions in prestigious national and museums and galleries, while artistic production reflects the artist's extensive knowledge and ranges from the great human and universe themes, to homage toe myths of culture. The famous Critic and Prof. Giovanni Faccenda takes care of criticism and exhibitions today, inviting her to attend important national and international events. "The painting of Marta Mànduca conquers the ideal essence of a surrealism in which, hermetic, collimates its own moods" - from "Myth, Dream, Vision" Prof. G. Faccenda.