Kiril Katsarov
What dreams become?

Cosa diventano i sogni?
What dreams become?
Questo e un collage di oppere concettuali realizzato nel 2017 con diversi supporti su tela. L'ïdea e di mostrare un tipo di umano che forma e fatto da un matteriale che ha simboleggiato la sua passione principale - l| amore per il denaro e le vincite semplici. Il corpo dell'uomo e fatto da carte di graffio di lotteria reale e la strada il dalla parte di carda del libro finnanziario.
This is a conceptual artwork collage made in 2017 over different media on canvas. The main idea here is to show a type of human (a lottary gambler in this case) which shape is made from a material wich symbolized his big passion in life - the love for money and easy wins. The ''body"of the man is made by real lottery scratch cards, and the sreets - by papers, part of s financial book.In this way the form and the content match in a perfect way and express the common natute of the things of all levels of interpretation.
I'm a contemporary artist born in Bulgaria in 1977 and I have a master degree on Fine Arts from National Art Academy in Sofia. The style of my works is a colorful mix of fantastic themes. abstract geometry, surrealistic and pop art elements. As media I use oil, acrylic and collage as well as graphics and digital techniques but I have interest and skill in Video art too. I prefer to create strong conceptual projects which are kind of a metaphor of today's world and I love to experiment with media, symbols, text and meanings.Till now I have realized more than 20 solo and group shows and art projects in Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Czech Republic.
More info you can find on my web page: