Manuela de Pregi

Quadro arazzo, tecnica mista
Montato solo su tela di lino, questo quadro rimane morbido come un arazzo e si adatta a qualsiasi superficie, rotonda o in rilievo. Il lino stesso gli fa da cornice.
Il quadro e' stato presentato al Fuorisalone di Milano 2017
Tapestry painting, mixed technique
Being applied on a linen canvas only, this painting is soft like a tapestry and it adapts on every surface, round or corrugated. The linen itself is a frame to it.
This painting was shown at Milan Fuorisalone 2017
Born in Gorizia Manuela de Pregi (MdP in art) has always lived In Milan. She travelled all around the world for work and pleasure and her paintings were and are often inspired by her travel memories and feelings. She loves photography and everything she does is inspired by a strong creativity and love for beauty, forms and colours. Her art comes from figurative but is now approaching abstract in a never ending research . These experiments bring new ideas and communicate the artist's troubled thought, a message of movement, of renewal, the ability of the artist to catch life instants and transform them in a fluid, armonic gesture. MdP 'tapestry paintings' took part to Milan Fuorisalone in 2017 as design objects. Mdp organised also many one-man exhibitions in Milan, Gorizia, Grado and Sant'Agata Feltria.