Alessandro Gretter

Acrilico, spray e olio su tela. 2017
Il viso malinconico di una figura femminile che vive un' epoca ormai lontana.
Lo sguardo che cerca di catturare l' attenzione di chi osserva. Accompagnandolo in un mondo che non esiste più, un mondo di sangue e anarchia.
La figura avvolta da un dripping di colori tenui; mentre a dare carattere e spessore all' intera scena è l' ombra nera di un galeone che si staglia sullo sfondo, risaltando cosi il viso dai toni chiari del soggetto.
L' intento è quello di catturare l' attenzione del pubblico, cercando di trasportarlo altrove.
Acrylic, spray and oil on canvas. 2017
The melancholy face of a female figure who lives in a distant epoch.
The glance that tries to catch the public' s attention; and takes it to a world of blood and anarchy that doesn't exist anymore.
A bunch of soft and feeble colors give shape to the figure, while the dark and black shadow of a galleon stands on the background, highlighting so the figure's face.
The purpose is to capture the public's attention and than take them away somewhere else.
He was born in Trento ( 1987 ); graduated student at the G. B. Cignaroli Academy of fine arts in Verona, February 2014.Always interested in an alternative artistic path, trying to unite figurative style with abstraction; in a mixed technique, for example oil colors, acrylic colors and spray colors on the same canvas. The accurate study of female expressions is an important part of his research, in particular expressions of hate, violence, rage, but all with a light touch of sensuality.Strong comes the use of brighting and powerful colors, trying to create impressive and mighty contrasts; the purpose is to catch the crowd.He went to England ( Bristol ),once graduated, where he spent three years and where his career begun. He has been twice in New York as well, and it was truly influential for his art too.