karen jamali
Crystal Painting

Pittura a cristallo
Crystal Painting
This paiting call Crystal paiting is made of a new material,
call Pigmentation Dispersion, I have createt.
this painting is about energy, energy of light i transmute into the painting, energy in the crystal, this painting is a sparkel of light, there reflekts the light it is seen in, it is made of tousand of smal mirrows, there refelkt the light, if you stand i another angle you see another painting, this piece is many pieces in one. A sparkel og light to this world.wich is needed.
Karen Salicath Jamali born in Denmark 1968
Is an American, artist living and working in New York City and Miami, She Graduated from the RoyalDanishAcademy of FIneART SchoolofDesign in Copenhagen Denmark in 1991, as a Master. She has been working as a painter,sculptor, and a photographer and now also as a composer and pianist for the past 30 years. Participating in over 180 solo and group exhibtion in gallerys and museums throughout the world. She has received a numer og honors and awards from the international art community. Her built works include several permanet public pieces and are in more than 700+ private art collections. Several of her pieces are inspired by the phenomena in general relativity know as "Event Horizon".An event horizon is aboundary beyond which the laws of physics as we know them, ceases to exist.
Her work is permanently in the Jamali NYC gallery, Soho, New York.