Cecilia Milza

AB_USE (ab_uso)
Opera che indaga il tema della violenza domestica. Il cassetto, custode di tesori e segreti, è strappato alla sua sede e mostra ciò di cui non si parla, di cui ci si vergogna. La mano lascia impronte di carezze o botte. L'elenco telefonico racconta di una (im)possibilità di comunicazione con l'esterno.
This is a research over the domestic violence issue. The draws, shielding treasures and secrets, are are torn off their runners and show something never talked about, something to be ashamed of. The hands may leave track of caresses, or slaps. The telephone directory tells us of some (im)possibility to communicate with the outer world.
An eclectic artist whose research is expressed through a broad range of techniques and fueled by social and existential issues. B.A. in sculpture and M.A. in cinematographic art, she worked as photographer and documentarist for MAXXI and GNAM in Rome and for artists like E. benassi, M. Attoun, D. Ciprì e S. Nicchiarelli. Her short films have been screened and awarded prizes at international festivals (RIFF, Cork Film Festival, Arcipelago, DOTR). She exhibited her works in Rome, Venice, Mondovì, Brno, Basil and Paris.