ida chiatante

ABITO LENTO. Grandi aghi pesanti infilzati nella terra, terra come sarcofago ripieno di oggetti, parole e preghiere, fotografie, abiti scuciti ed elementi naturali cuciti. Processo rituale e psicomagico che scuce la vita e la reimpacchetta, creando un abito che è abitare, che è una modalità di sentire. Installazione sempre diversa che ci nutre di infiltrazioni legate al luogo e alle relazioni intrecciate intorno al momento personale dell'artista in un processo tumulativo che porta a galla radici.
SLOW DRESS. A moutain of land with heavy needle pierced inside, natural elements sewn, unstitched clothes, pics and obiects slippoing out like a tomb which contains magic stuff and prayers. LAND HEART EARTH HABIT whispering to. We don't precisely know what. Always a bit different installation that changes in relation with space, city, place and people who sorround the artist. Slow dress is a trace that leads deep inside. Installation is accompained by a video in which a poem scroll in balck and white.
Trapeze. Relationship weaver and shridding relationship worker. Artist of life. On wire. "Slow Point " ideator. A non-philosophy and a set of artisic acts like unsewing, boring, stay still aims to nothing but a more bitter authentic way to love driven by the principle of waiting and inutility against the fast mass society. Eclectic, I use different means and disciplines jumping by pole to grasp, in order to penetrate into the essence of myself and of life with incoherence and impefection.