Stefano Solimani
In the name of the child

Nel nome del figlio
In the name of the child
L'opera affronta in chiave strettamente laica il mistero della Santa Trinità. Il rapporto straordinario tra Padre e Figlio si materializza in uno sguardo inondato di luce trascendente. L'Eterno contempla il figlio prediletto "nel quale si è compiaciuto" e il Figlio riconosce il Padre ed è felice nel fare la volontà di chi l'ha mandato. Il Figlio l'abbiamo conosciuto ed è il centro della storia dell'uomo. Il drappo nero sono i peccati del mondo in attesa di una redenzione. Lo Spirito è il legame assoluto e la colomba immacolata ne è l'interprete indiscutibile.
The painting seeks in a strictly secular key the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The extraordinary relationship between Father and Son materializes in a flood of transcendent light. The Eternal contemplates the beloved son "in whom he is pleased" and the Son recognizes the Father and he is happy to do the will of the one who sent him. The Son we have known and he is the center of human history. The black draperies are the sins of the world awaiting redemption. The Spirit is the absolute bond and the immaculate dove is the indisputable interpreter.
Stefano Solimani began his artistic career in 1967. He has great artistic talent and extraordinary expressive skills, since the years of youth has been the protagonist of events and exhibitions that make him appreciate the public and the critic. He is the winner of both national and international awards. Founder father of the artistic movement of Hyperesthetics. Edited by prof. Paolo Levi and prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, he witnesses exhibitions of great resonance, such as the 54th Venice International Art Biennale. His works are present in public museums and are part of the state's patrimony. Collectors from various countries around the world hold some of his rare paintings. Born in the Marche, lives and works in his beloved Umbria in Spoleto.