Alice Asnaghi
Loy Krathong, let it go

Loy Krathong, lascia andare
Loy Krathong, let it go
Il Loy Krathong è un festival celebrato in Thailandia durante la prima luna piena di Novembre.
I Krathong sono dei cestini fatti di foglie di banana al cui interno vi sono fiori, candele e incensi.
Questo festival è una sorta di purificazione ed è dedicato alla dea delle acque Ganga, alla quale si fa una preghiera chiedendo di allontanare tutte le negatività, come sfortuna, odio, rabbia, frustazione e tutti i pensieri ostili.
La scena del quadro è ambientata a Bangkok, lungo il Chao Praya River, la bambina fa la sua preghiera ed è pronta a lasciar andare i suoi pensieri insieme al suo Krathong; la corrente del fiume lo trascinerà via e se ne prenderà cura, facendolo diventare parte delle sue stesse acque.
Loy Krathong is a festival celebrated in Thailand during the first full moon on November.
The Krathongs are baskets made of banana leaves, in which there are flowers, candles and incenses.
This festival is a sort of purification and is devoted to Ganga, the goddess of water, to wich a prayer is made asking for the removal of all negativity, such as misfortune, hatred, anger, frustration and all hostile thoughts.
The painting scene is along the Chao Praya River in Bangkok city, the little girl makes her pray and is ready to let her thoughts together with her Krathong; the current of the river will drag it away and take care of it, making it become part of its own waters.
She was born in Desio (MB) in 1984. Passionate about art since she was a child she starts to study painting, scenography and illustration. Her curiousity and desire to discover the world bring her to travel 7 years between Australia, America and United Kingdom. her trips lead her to discover new cultures and traditions, people and places she meets are the inspiration for her creations, which represent stories of other lives and memories of faraway cultures. Her paintings are part of important art galleries, have been exhibited in many cities in Italy and Europe, published on books, catalogues, magazines and art web sites, curated by high critics.