Roberta Riccio Chirivino

Forma di Venere stilizzata in una sagoma dall'effetto figurativo "ritagliato", ispirato ai gouaches découpées di Matisse. La sensualità è qui protagonista, con ironia occupa tutta la scena e ci interroga sullo spazio che occupa nella definizione dell'identità della donna contemporanea e sulla sua strumentalizzazione negli ultimi abbagli della società del consumo. Una reinterpretazione del collage come fusion di frammenti di celebri opere d'arte legate al turismo di massa e alla cultura di moda: la Nascita di Venere di Botticelli e la serie di Nudi Blu di Matisse vengono fusi insieme per restituire una statuarietà erotica ispirata a Helmut Newton. Ri.Chi rivolge la propria attenzione al linguaggio di internert, all'uso facile e distratto di innumerevoli frammenti di cultura ed informazione: internet ci rende davvero più superficiali, come afferma Nicholas Carr?
Stylized Venu's shape designed and painted to convey a cutout effect, inspired by Matisse's guaches découpées. Sensuality, here to center stage, questions us ironically on the place it occupies to define the contemporary women's identity still nowadays on its exploitation in consumer society. A reinterpretation of collage as fragments of well-known pieces of art linked to mass tourism and fashion: the Birth of Venus by Botticelli, the Blue Nudes by Matisse are melted together to create a statuesque eroticism inspired by Helmut Newton. Ri.Chi. turns her attention to the language of internet, to the careless use of fragments of culture and information, available at easy hand: does really internet make us shallow and superficial, as claimed by Nicholas Carr?
Holding a Degree in Economics for Art, Culture and Communication in Bocconi, specialized in Civilization Française in Sorbonne, Ri.Chi. decides to devote herself to art creation in Paris. She digs up her creative root building a universe of references that draw eclettic inspiration from phylosophy, sociology, psychoanalysis, religion, technology as well as from medieval, renaissance, modern and contemporary metre. Ri.Chi establishes hyperlinks with expressionism, symbolism, surrealism, dadaism and pop art with a contemporary attitude towards her cultural references. A freedom of speech to communicate and unveil the contraddictions, vices and superstractures of society in a playful, unconventional and, at times, provocative way. "We move into a collective unconscious made up of stratified traditions and symbols", writes art historian Federica Morandi, a "continuous codification of past and present symbols and icons, towards a personal path and the elaboration of a new artistic conception".