Maria Pia Michieletto
The different sides of beauty. Femminino. Velata

I molteplici aspetti della bellezza. Femminino. Velata
The different sides of beauty. Femminino. Velata
Il femminile nel suo peculiare manifestarsi nella realtà sensibile e nella materialità quale assoluta immagine di splendore.
Being female shown in the sensible reality and materiality as mean of absolute splendor image
She has exhibiting since 1992 after seven years of watercolor painting and three painting techniques at the Ornamental School of Art in Rome. In 1996 the first personal ‘Embrioni’ shown by Stefania Severi, followed by ‘Iconòcromie’ at L’Eclisse Gallery; ‘The different sides of reality’ introduced by Rodolfo Papa; ‘Light shines through the dark’ in Sant'Angelo Castle; 'Colors in the sky' at Artists' Church in Rome and 'Primordial colors' at Baldissera Gallery with interview of Stefano Colonna published on BTA. Chosen in 2003 for the 7th International Massenzio Art prime. She took part to many collectives of holy art; among them the one ‘The Communion of the Saints’ with the work ‘Ste Lucie’. In 2014 she exhibited with her own ‘Primordial earths’ at Taloni Art and was chosen for RomArt 2015. During the year she was invited to the show ‘Three owls on the dresser’ at Casina delle Civette of Villa Torlonia. The latest exhibitions are in Udine and Venice.