Crisologo Urizar Ripamonti
Liquid Passion still alive

Passione Liquida ancora viva
Liquid Passion still alive
Questa tela con i suoi Alberi Rossi Vitali e Dinamici vuole esprimere come nella Nostra Era dominata da Internet e dalla necessità di gratificazioni immediate, I Veri Amanti difendono la Speranza, lo Spazio ed il Tempo del loro Amore Reale, contro la diffusa superficialità delle relazioni interpersonali, dove i compromessi esistono fino a che qualcuno non poggia il dito sul tasto: "Cancella".
The purpose of this red work was to show how in this Internet Era of instant gratification as society, the True Lovers still defend the hope, space and time of real love, against today superficial relations, where the compromises exist until they push the "erase bottom".
Crisologo Urizar Ripamonti, 62 years old born in La Serena, Chile. Formal studies at "Universidad de Chile - today "Universidad de La Serena" - as Art Teacher with diploma, specially oil painting. His peculiar dinamic and vital pictorial stretch would like to exprime the strong influence and desire to show the current Essence of Human Nature, using landscapes and "trees as human bodies" in a constant interchange with the viewer, having the purpose with his poetic and existential vision and technique, to create a deep emotional experience and make conscience how fragile we are as Human Beings, and how we are responsible for a better care of Planet Earth in wich we live.