Crisologo Urizar Ripamonti
Extinction of Human Truth

Estinzione della Verità Umana
Extinction of Human Truth
Questo gotico ed inquietante lavoro vuole esplicitare in un linguaggio grafico essenziale e crudo come la Nostra Odierna Società sia alle prese con la perdita del senso di fiducia in se stessa, della compassione e della fraternità e stia lottando per aiutare la mente a creare un posto migliore per vivere, cercando di contrastare le costanti e apparentemente incontenibili pretese del Mercato Globale e delle rischieste del mondo imprenditoriale improntate a sempre maggiori profitti, che rischiano di portare la Nostra Società nel caos e verso l'autodistruttività e ricondurci verso un Nuovo Medio Evo.
The purpose of this dark work was to strike in a graphic language how today our fragile society has to handle the lost of trust, compassion, fraternity in order to help the mind kind to create a better place to live in, against the constant and furious demand of the market, corporation just looking for profits, bringing our society to chaos and potential nuclear conflict, that will bring us to Stone Age.
Crisologo Urizar Ripamonti, 62 years old born in La Serena, Chile. Formal studies at "Universidad de Chile - today "Universidad de La Serena" - as Art Teacher with diploma, specially oil painting. His peculiar dinamic and vital pictorial stretch would like to exprime the strong influence and desire to show the current Essence of Human Nature, using landscapes and "trees as human bodies" in a constant interchange with the viewer, having the purpose with his poetic and existential vision and technique, to create a deep emotional experience and make conscience how fragile we are as Human Beings, and how we are responsible for a better care of Planet Earth in wich we live.