Alessandro Borrelli
Article 1 of the Italian Constitution
Articolo 1 della Costituzione Italiana
Article 1 of the Italian Constitution
Scultura eseguita in argilla rossa refrattaria con rivestimento vetroso colorato (smalto)
“ L’ Italia è una repubblica democratica fondata sul lavoro” così recita il primo articolo della nostra Costituzione, volendo sottolineare l’ unione inscindibile tra democrazia e lavoro. A settant’anni dalla sua entrata in vigore, sotto la spinta della globalizzazione ma anche della miopia della classe politica, il lavoro resta soprattutto per i giovani una chimera, spezzando di fatto il patto fondativo dei nostri padri. L’ opera, che da una lettura superficiale può sembrare meramente provocatoria, vuole trasmettere accanto al senso di frustrazione di chi si avvicina al mondo del lavoro la consapevolezza tuttavia della propria dignità e della forza delle sue potenzialità in termini di saperi e creatività
Sculpture made of red fire clay with colored glass coating (enamel)
"Italy is a democratic republic based on work," says the first article of our constitution, emphasizing the inseparable union between democracy and work. Seventy years after its entry into force, under the auspices of globalization but also of myopia of the political class, the work is, above all, a chimera for young people, breaking in fact the founding pact of our fathers. The work, which from a superficial reading may seem merely provocative, wants to convey alongside the sense of frustration of those who approach the world of work but the awareness of their own dignity and the strength of their potential in terms of knowledge and creativity.
Borrelli Alessandro was born in Naples in 1969. After the titles for Modellista Formatore and Technician for Ceramic Artistry at the State Institute of Porcelain and Ceramics G. Caselli of Naples, he continued following the Sculpture courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. Winner ofthe contest for Technical-Practical Teacher for Ceramic Technics Design Laboratory. Winner of the selection for "Modellista Formatore" at the Porcelain Company "Richard Ginori" in Milan. During the years of study he has dived into a continuous search for forms, techniques, colors and workmanship of various kinds, which lead him to consolidate his own technique and art style with which he now presents himself. Ceramic teacher at various Institutions in Campania, he masters molding, decoration and sculpture courses at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli. In 2016 he participated in the realization of the Urban Furniture Opera Set in Viale Colli Aminei in Naples.