Alessandro Borrelli
Sunrise and Sunset
Alba e Tramonto
Sunrise and Sunset
Opera realizzata con tapparelle in legno douglas della ditta Pantek di Spresiano(TV) risalenti agli anni 60. La cornice che le racchiude è stata realizzata in plexiglas con supporto in alluminio. Sotto di esse due pannelli in plexiglas illuminati da un impianto di luci a Led, evidenziano le gradazioni di colore di entrambe le opere. Per “L’alba" sono stati utilizzati colori che vanno dal marrone/arancio al giallo/bianco, mentre per il “Tramonto”, gradazioni dal nero/blu al bianco/celeste.
Alba e Tramonto, giorno e notte, inizio e fine, rappresentano due momenti essenziali di una giornata, di una vita, dove ogni persona è libera di rappresentarsi, di esprimere tutto se stesso in un arco di tempo uguale per tutti, ma con intensità e valori diversi.
Work done with douglas wood blinds of Pantek di Spresiano (TV) dating back to the 1960's. The frame that encloses them is made of plexiglas with aluminum support. Below these, two plexiglass panels illuminated by a Led lights plant, highlight the color gradations of both works, "Brown" has been used for "L'alba" colors ranging from brown / orange to yellow / white. "Sunset", gradations from black/blue to white/ celestial.
Sunrise and Sunset, day and night, beginning and end, are two essential moments of a day, a life where every person is free to represent himself, to express himself in an equal time for everyone but with intensity and different values.
Borrelli Alessandro was born in Naples in 1969. After the titles for Modellista Formatore and Technician for Ceramic Artistry at the State Institute of Porcelain and Ceramics G. Caselli of Naples, he continued following the Sculpture courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. Winner ofthe contest for Technical-Practical Teacher for Ceramic Technics Design Laboratory. Winner of the selection for "Modellista Formatore" at the Porcelain Company "Richard Ginori" in Milan. During the years of study he has dived into a continuous search for forms, techniques, colors and workmanship of various kinds, which lead him to consolidate his own technique and art style with which he now presents himself. Ceramic teacher at various Institutions in Campania, he masters molding, decoration and sculpture courses at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli. In 2016 he participated in the realization of the Urban Furniture Opera Set in Viale Colli Aminei in Naples.