Nino Sanna
Woman in Black

Donna in Nero
Woman in Black
Opera Fotografica realizzata a Yazd, Iran. Esplorando la relazione tra una Donna Mulsulmana e gli spazi in cui abita. Mentre attraversa uno spazio pubblico, si conforma indossando il velo, rimuovendo tutti i segni relativi all'identificazione sessuale e individuale, e persino la volontà di segregarsi.
Photo taken in Yazd City, Iran. Exploring the relation between a Muslim Woman and the spaces that she inhabits, As she crosses into the public space she conforms by wearing the veil, removing all signs of sexuality and individuality, and the willingness to segregate herself.
1980: Creative artist, traveller and passionate photographer from Italy. Nino's photographic research focuses on the different personas and characters he encounters during his travels around the world. His photographs, characterised by theatricality, cultural and situational specificity mainly through portraiture and attention to detail, simulate dreamsm, desires, obsessions and different social states. Particularly attentive to the use of natual light within the compostition of the scene, Nino seeks to capture the Soul of what is "imperceptible" to the senses, hidden in situ and in the eyes of his subjects. An intellectual photographic approach, both controlled and meditated. Between documentation and interpretation, the composition of the images linger on the relationship between the individual and Dynamics of society. Concepts of proximity and remoteness are intertwined in pictorial images, capable of immersing the viewer in a higly emotional state. Nino's practice moves between minimalistic spaces, through a reflexive and ambigous, sensitive narrative.